A fairly sized baby faced girl walked to my desk one warm afternoon in 2004 and asked if I could read through the story she had on her diskette. I was society editor then and she was a budding features writer fresh from University. I took a few hours before reading through her story. All that time she simply watched me as I click the mouse, cut, copied and pasted as all editors do on a daily basis.
After taking my page to bed, I got the time to look through her work and boy it was a well written piece. That’s when I asked for her name and she politely informed me that she is Maryian Alowo.
Fast forward two years later, we all moved to different workplaces and as chance was to have it, we became friends. We enjoyed tea together with other girl friends every Friday at a small swanky restaurant in Kampala. Soon the tea parties became home visits and I can’t explain how we became the best of friends.
I loved Maryian’s indefatigable nature. Little wonder she quickly rose through the ranks at the New Vision newspaper.
Today she left for Sweden for an MA in Global Journalism. As all girlfriends do, I had to drop her off at the airport. I never understood why people wiped away tears when they bid farewell to loved ones even if it was for a few months. I always thought they shouldn’t cry because though they are not like the Terminator, THEY WILL BE BACK!
Maryian will be gone for years. Though I didn’t shed a tear, my heart was breaking and bleeding with lots of unshed tears and pain as I gave her the last hug, peck and watched her role her bags into the check in area. I felt this emptiness as I drove back to Kampala. I will surely miss the tea parties, the hug and above all her cute smile.
But there is nothing better in life than improving on your status, educational level etc. For Maryian, that time has come. Being the bright girl that I know she is, she will make the most of her time in Olebro, Sweden. We are glad to have a blue print to follow.
Anyway that is too much for my girl friend. I recently landed on a nice book How to stop worrying and start living. Let me see if I can pick it from a bookstore here. Am not such a fun of self help books but It seems a nice book to read. I will tell you about it soon. It could help under the circumstances am in. What do you think?