Am always excited about the Telecentre Leaders Forum (TLF) whether it is a regional one like the East Africa Telecentre Leaders Forum organised by UgaBYTES or a continental one like the Africa Telecenrte Leaders Forum or better still the global one like the one I attended in Kuala Lumpur, Malysia that was organised by telecentre.org.
For starters, such events come with a lot of excitement. As a person interested in travel that is just a tip of it. But also as a person who is involved and interested in the knowledge sharing in the Telecentre ecosystem (or is it movement...take your pick) . At such events, I put faces to names, promote knowledge sharing platforms in the Telecentre movement and so on.
With more than 90 participants from over 42different countries spanning 5 continents
the Telecentre Leaders Forum organised once in two years by telecentre.org has established itself as the conference on shaping the future of the telecentre ecosystem.
So with the diversity of the participants, tehre is a lot of sharing and information exchange expecetd and definately there a lot of expectations and indeed there was a lot to write home about. I will just let you in
The two day Telecentre Leaders Forum at the GK3 attracted over 90
participants from over 44 countries around the world to map the future of
the telecentre ecosystem.
The participant expectations were diverse. They touched on
* the role of telecentre.org,
* role of *national telecentre networks
* Importance of Knowledge sharing in the telecentre movement
* Sustainability issues
* Social enterprise
* Technology, policies and regulations and
* the telecentre.org academy.
As the agenda shaped from the participants expectations, seven areas were
identified for further discussions and concretization. Among these;
1. Network capacity building and peer to peer leaning
2. Sustainability Research Scope
3. Telecentre.org training academy
4. Products and services for telecentres
5. Developing training materials for library
6. Developing a cookbook for national networks
7. Volunteer exchange program
on day two of the event, these seven areas were discussed indepth. I will give you updates in my next post...
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