The telecentre movement in the Middle East and Northern Africa is steadily growing. From the 19th – 20th November 2008, over 40 telecentre leaders from Egypt, Sudan and Yemen will meet at Air Defense House and Hotel, Nozha Street, Heliopolis Cairo, Egypt to discuss ways of strengthening the telecentre movement in the region. This Telecentre Leaders Forum is organized by Egypt ICT Trust Fund in partnership with UNDP –Egypt and as part of the project Empowering Communities through telecentre networking. The objectives of the TLF Include:
o To bring together leading telecentre practitioners as a strategy to build relationships for addressing challenges telecentres face
o To share opportunities that telecentres can use to increase efficiency and sustainability
o To discuss ways of improving networking and knowledge sharing within telecentre practitioners in Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and across the MENA region
Networking and knowledge sharing are central to the growth of any ecosystem and the telecentre movement is no exception.
I will join participants and the knowledge sharing team at the Egypt ICT Trust Fund to share experiences on how the portal, mailing list and Telecentre Times can be used to strengthen the telecentre movement in MENA. Thanks to
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