Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Here comes 2008...

Happy new year everyone........
I don't know how long it takes before people stop wishing others a 'happy new year' ...
Because I thought I had only stopped saying happy New Year 2007 when I discovered 2008 was already knocking.
The images of the fireworks lighting up the midnight sky to usher in 2008 are still vivid in our minds because it has been only a fortnight since.
But before they completely disappear, and maybe we stop saying happy new year, I just would like to recap 2007.
An eventful year if you ask me
In the East Africa region, we saw the birth of new telecentre networks in each country - the Kenya network of telecentre, the Tanzania Network of telecentres and the Rwanda network of telecentres.
The knowledge sharing was strengthened with the start of a collaborative knowledge sharing project between telecentre.org and UgaBYTES which I work for.
So I hope 2008 means strengthening of these networks and therefore better performance of telecentres which UgaBYTES and telecentre.org ultimately craves.

2007 also saw the definition of the telecentre ecosystem with a charter that was drafted by the participants of the Telecentre Leaders Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
With a clear definition of values which include the passion to help empower the poor, marginalized and underserved utilize technologies to assist in improving their lives, openness to sharing experiences, information and knowledge, transparency, inclusiveness, technology neutrality, innovation, collaboration, respect for diversity, equity, continuous learning, localisation and local content creation.

If the philanthropists continue to put the money in such real issues which could bridge the digital divide then ultimately 2008 will be great. Let us keep our fingers crossed…

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